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Developmental Assets & Relationship Training

Learn How To Build Strong, Long-Lasting Relationships

Positive Relationship Building is Important for Long-Term Health & Wellness

The Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets and the Developmental Relationships are evidence-based frameworks that demonstrate the effects of internal and external assets on long-term health and wellness. The Developmental Relationships model builds on that and shows how positive adult relationships are often the main influencer in a youth’s life.

Relationship Training Audience & Goals

Who Can Attend the Developmental Assets & Relationship Training Program?

Professionals, volunteers, and parents who have youth in their life and are in a position to influence them by building protective factors and providing a positive adult relationship will benefit from this training.

What are the Goals of the Relationship Training Program?

Participants will learn how the Developmental Assets & Relationships work to reduce risk factors in a youth’s life and increase the protective factors that lead to healthy, happy, drug-free lives. Theory will move to practical in this workshop by discussing ways to incorporate the Assets through every-day interactions with youth. 

Want to Learn More About Our Relationship Building Program?

To get more information surrounding Developmental Assets & Relationships, contact Lori Higgins at