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Mediation Programs Near Cincinnati, OH

Mediation & Facilitated Problem-Solving (MaPS) Program

MaPS is a nonjudgmental, confidential process that provides participants with the opportunity to address conflict and issues they are experiencing. The mediator is a neutral, third party who assists participants with improving communication, restoring relationships, finding solutions, and creating a written agreement.

Types of MaPS & Program Goals

Juvenile Court-Based: Youth who have been cited to Juvenile Court for a variety of status offenses and misdemeanors (such as unruly, disorderly conduct, etc.) are often asked by the court to attend MaPS. These sessions are either family-based where the youth and their parent/guardian(s) attend or juvenile-to-juvenile-based where youth who have gotten into conflict attend MaPS together. 

School or Community-Based:

  • Truancy MaPS: Addresses and helps resolve issues related to school absences and tardiness. The parent/guardian(s) attends the session, along with the child and/or school personnel as appropriate.
  • Family MaPS: Assists the family in addressing conflict and other issues affecting the child and/or family, as a whole. The parent/guardian(s) attends along with the child.
  • Student (Youth) MaPS: Helps youth to problem-solve, make healthy decisions, and find resolution to conflict. The youth meet with the mediator to address school-related issues and will also possibly meet with other students with whom they have disagreements in an effort to resolve the conflicts and avoid future issues.
  • Workplace MaPS: An opportunity for workplace conflict or issues (between coworkers, supervisor and supervisee, etc.) to be addressed in a confidential, neutral environment. With the assistance of the mediator, participants are able to hear one another and work to resolve conflict and other issues to avoid future challenges and promote a healthier work environment.

Envision Partnerships does not provide mediation services for divorce and custody cases.

In MaPS sessions, youth, families, or participants address issues related to the specific charge or problem as well as other relevant issues. Through these offerings, we employ life skills and developmental assets to equip youth, parent/guardians, and community members with the tools to address future concerns on their own, should they arise.

Want to Learn More About Our MaPS Services?

To learn more about our MaPS services, reach out to us at or fill out the form below.

MaPS Inquiry Form

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