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Learn to Resolve Conflicts Before They Start

Conflict & Violence Prevention Training

What are Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention?

Conflict exists in all aspects of life. Unhealthy conflict can lead to stress, anxiety, damaged relationships, behavioral problems, violence, and other negative outcomes. Learning the skills of healthy conflict resolution can reduce escalation to violence and can lead to more positive outcomes.

At the center of every conflict are people with feelings who want a peaceful resolution. Mediation can be helpful in such situations. In mediation sessions, youth and families address issues related to the specific charge or problem. If appropriate, we may make a referral to one of our many community partners based on the presenting concerns.

Our efforts are to reduce the incidence of violence and unhealthy conflict in homes, schools, and the community. 

Effective Conflict Resolution & Violence Prevention Skills for Kids & Adults

The two strategies that we offer to provide effective conflict resolution skills and violence prevention are mediation and school & community-based services. 

1. Mediation 

Mediation is an effective process where people in conflict work together to resolve their differences with the help of a neutral, non-judgmental, third-party mediator.

Characteristics of mediation:

  • Confidential

  • An atmosphere of respect and empowerment

  • Encourages active listening & effective communication

  • A collaborative process of problem-solving

  • Creates mutually agreed-upon solutions

  • Written agreement

Our youth & family-based mediation focuses on providing mediation for youth and families. Mediations are also available and can be used in a wide variety of other contexts.

2. School & Community-Based Services

Our youth-focused services incorporate evidence-based strategies for healthy conflict resolution and violence prevention.

Types of services offered:

  • Universal classroom-based programming 

  • Small group sessions

  • Community center after-school and summer programming 

  • Student mediation & conflict mediation 

  • Brief intervention opportunities

Through these offerings, we employ life skills and developmental assets to equip both youth and parents with the tools to address future concerns on their own, should they arise. The ultimate prize is reducing youth involvement in the formal justice system, especially among minority youth. 

What are the Goals of the Violence Prevention Program?

Goals of Conflict Resolution / Violence Prevention Services include:

  • To provide youth and families with skills and strategies that promote healthy behavior and relationships

  • Increase protective factors and developmental assets

  • Reduce risk factors that lead to unhealthy conflict and violence in youth, families, and the community

  • Decrease the need for school-based consequences like suspensions and expulsion and reduce contact with police and the court system

Want to Learn More About the Conflict Resolution & Violence Prevention Training Program?

Learn more about our offerings in Conflict Resolution/Violence Prevention by visiting our What We Do tab.